Science Algorithms
DPR Algorithm Responsibilities
- Level-1 DPR algorithms were developed by JAXA and run only at JAXA MOSS.
- The L1B Ku and Ka products are ingested by PPS for use in later processing.
- Level-2 and Level-3 algorithms are developed and delivered to both data systems by Joint DPR Science Team algorithm leads.
- Algorithm developer codes have been integrated into the PPS.
- Algorithms need to run in multiple environments.
- Algorithm developer’s local configuration.
- NASA/PPS and JAXA/MOSS data systems.
- Algorithms need to run in multiple environments.
- Data formats have been coordinated with algorithm developers.
- PPS toolkit for I/O (TKIO) data structures are used for output to HDF5.
- HDF5 internal compression.

Current DPR Algorithm Codes (Versions of the DPR algorithms currently in PPS OAT)
- Level-2 Version: 20131010
- 2AKu, 2AKa, 2ADPR
- Orbital IFOVs. Normal, Matched, High-sensitivity scans.
- 2AKu, 2AKa, 2ADPR
- Level-3 Version: 20131011
- Daily: full product 5.0deg and 0.25deg, no std. dev.
- Monthly: full product, 5.0deg and 0.25 deg., w/ std. dev.
- Joint: subset of Daily product w/ time stamped grid boxes
- [OAT 12/1]
- Intel Fortran Version 14.0.0
- A service pack is available but has not yet been tested.
- Testing will be performed on current algorithm versions: 11/20/2013.
- Results will determine if PPS/MOSS will update compilers.